Paying Respects to Phat


Association des Professions de Sante' Du VietNam Libre
 et des Amis Du Doctor Vuong Ngoc Phat

Dr et Mme Truong Minh Ky-My
Dr et Mme Vu Thien Phuong
Dr Vu Phuong Chi (Fille de Dr Vu Thien Phuong)
Dr et Mme Bach Van Tot-Huong
Dr et Mme Tran Huu Chi-Nga
Dr Nguyen Kim Hong
Dr et Mme Pham Tu Chinh
Dr et Mme Chau Hoai Manh
Mme Ngo Thai Thi Thuoc
Dr et Mme Nguyen Minh Tan
Dr et Mme Tran Van Thuong
Dr et Mme Phan Khac Tuong
Dr et Mme Pham Kim Dong
Dr et Mme Tran Ngoc Quang
Dr et Mme Bui The Khai
Dr et Mme Le Van Tuan
Dr et Mme Ta Thanh Minh


Ses Collegues De Paris


L'Equipe De L'Hopital Saint - Michel


Ses Associes du Centre de Cytologie et d'Anatomie Pathologiques à Bievres


Ses Amis de Paris


Ses Amis du Partheon




Email from a friend:

Chere ¨Minh Tâm",
Vuong ngoc Phat etait medecin celebre a Paris. Il y a deux ans, il m'a contacté pour aider un medecin Vietnamien, stagiaire a Bordeaux. Il voulait rentrer a Danang, pendant une periode, pour former les medecins la bas.
Son Papa, Vuong dzuy Quynh, alias Thanh Phuong ou Tam Phuong etait poete, tres proche de ton Papa.
Ses freres, Vuong ngoc Dziep et Vuong ngoc Lâm, etait aussi anciens Blaise Pascal, 1960.
VN La^m, aussi medecin, interné longtemps dans le Camp de Concentration de Tiên Lanh, Quang Nam, a aidé beaucoup de prisonniers. Actuellement aux USA.
Contacte HD Ba Dzung pour lui envoyer une couronne au nom de BP...
C' était un type tres bien, qui avait fait honneur a notre Lycée.
Dang Tien.

6/7/03 7:28:04 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Dear Ziep,

Thank you so much for your note.  I wish that words could take away your pain--if there were some I would write them to you.  I can only tell you something that someone told me once.  It was that we feel grief so deeply because we have loved so deeply,  and that, in time,  the grief lessens, but the love that we gave and were given by that person will always be with us, and so we can never truly be apart from them. 
I know you must love your brother greatly.
I truly wish I could do something to help--I can only say that I do care very much,  think about you often, and am praying for peace and blessings for you and for your family.  Thank you for taking the time and energy to write.

With love,

"Dearest Tam,

Who would have thought that I would be writing this letter to you only three months after the death of my own father and your lovely letter to me?  And, although Peter has already written, I personnally felt the urge to add some words of my own.

Your father was a lovely, lovely man. Brilliant, sensitive, and I think, gallant.  It was hard not to be impressed by him when Peter and I met him.  What a loss to you, your family, and the world.  I hope he was able to complete his work on the mummy.  He was
very enthusiastic about it.  We all know he'll be missed and remembered with respect and love by collegues and friends alike.  And, though out of the physical body, I feel we all continue to influence the world and to work for its betterment.  I like to think
that our loved ones become like angels for us, putting in a good word for us on the other side.
Before my father died he expressed the regret that he hadn't become a doctor.  So, I told him in our next life I'll look for him as a doctor.  We do meet again.

Much love,
Lynda Schnurr & Peter Williams."